The purpose of this policy is to outline eligibility and application requirements for Affordable housing managed by SCH.


Affordable Housing – facilitates the opportunity to rent a private home at a rate that is below market value rent.

NRAS (National Rental Affordability Scheme) – properties targeting low to moderate income earners, whereby specific income limits apply.

Bond – Rental bond is an amount of money paid by a tenant as a form of security for the landlord against any future breaches of the Residential Tenancy Agreement.


This policy applies to all Affordable Housing properties managed by SCH, which fall under a Government Funded program.


SCH eligibility criteria are governed by the NSW Affordable Housing Guidelines targeting households from very low, low, and moderate incomes.

 To be eligible for Affordable Housing, applicants must:

Establish their identity.

Be resident in New South Wales (NSW.)

Be a citizen or have permanent residency in Australia.

Be able to sustain a tenancy, with or without support in place.

In general, be at least 18 years of age.

Demonstrate housing need and the inability to resolve this need in the medium to long term without assistance.

Not own any assets or property which could reasonably be expected to resolve their housing need.

Have a household income within the income eligibility limit (income limits are updated annually by the NSW Department of Communities and Justice).

Applicants can express a preference for a particular location or special property features, but requests will only be met if suitable housing is available.

SCH can assist applicants to complete their applications or arrange interpreters or other support if necessary.

SCH has procedures in place to protect the confidentiality and privacy of applicants.


The Access and Demand Manager is responsible for advertising vacancies and identifying appropriate tenants for properties, in consultation with the relevant manager. 

Decisions on allocation will be approved by the Access and Demand Manager or Senior Housing Officer.