No application is complete until all required documentation and fees are received. Every question on the application must be answered. All documents and photos become a permanent part of your file and cannot be returned. You will be notified in writing by this office if any additional documentation is required to complete your application. The board office must be notified IMMEDIATELY of anything which changes or affects, in any way, a response given in your application. Failure to do so could result in the denial of the application or revocation of licensure. EXAMPLES: changes of address, employment, licensure status in another state, or an incorrect answer to a question.
In order to establish supervised direct management experience, the applicant must prove that, while under the supervision of a licensed nursing home administrator, he or she performed in the role of an executive manager, performing the same duties and skills expected of a Florida licensed nursing home administrator including, at a minimum, the primary direction of all facility departments of:
All duties performed by an applicant under this paragraph must be performed within a skilled nursing facility, hospital, hospice, or assisted living facility with a minimum of 60 licensed beds, or geriatric residential treatment program of at least 60 beds. Each applicant who claims one year’s supervised direct management experience would be individually reviewed by the full board to determine if that applicant’s experience meets the requirements of this rule. If, however, such experience is not in a skilled nursing facility the applicant must complete the requirements of a 1,000-hour nursing home administrator-in-training program approved by the board.
Temporary License:
A temporary license may be issued one time only to an applicant who has filed an application for licensure by endorsement and has paid the fee for the next laws and rules examination offered in this state. An application for a temporary license must be submitted along with the appropriate fee and work experience as a fully licensed nursing home administrator for 2 years within the 5-year period immediately preceding application for a temporary license.
A temporary license shall be valid for the nursing home administrator applicant only at the facility for which it is issued and shall not be transferred to another facility or to another applicant. An applicant shall not be eligible to reapply for a temporary license or an extension of a temporary license. The applicant must take and pass the next laws and rules examination offered in this state following issuance of a temporary license. The temporary license is valid until the results of the examination are certified by the board and the applicant is notified.
If you answer “yes” to any of the health history questions on the application, please submit supporting documentation including the relevant dates and circumstances of such treatment and/or addiction along with the names and addresses of the medical practitioners or hospitals who performed such treatment.
Applicants with prior disciplinary actions are required to submit the following:
Board Actions – Certified copies of document(s) relative to any disciplinary action taken against any license. The documents must come from the agency that took the disciplinary action and must be certified by that agency.
Self-Explanation – A detailed description of the circumstances surrounding your disciplinary action and a thorough description of the rehabilitative changes in your lifestyle since the time of the disciplinary action which would enable you to avoid future occurrences. It would be helpful to include factors in your life, which you feel may have contributed to your disciplinary action, what you have learned about yourself since that time, and the changes you have made that support your rehabilitation.
Applicants with prior criminal convictions are required to submit the following:
Final Dispositions/Arrest Records – Final disposition records for offenses can be obtained at the clerk of the court in the arresting jurisdiction. If the records are not available, you must have a letter on court letterhead sent from the clerk of the court attesting to their unavailability.
Completion of Probation/Parole/Sanctions – Probation and financial sanction records for offenses can be obtained at the clerk of the court in the arresting jurisdiction. Parole records for offenses can be obtained from the Department of Corrections or at the clerk of the court in the arresting jurisdiction. If the records are not available, you must have a letter on court letterhead sent from the clerk of the court attesting to their unavailability.
Self-Explanation – Applicants who have listed offenses on the application must submit a letter in their own words describing the circumstances of the offense. Include in your letter the date of the original offense, the charge, and the jurisdiction where it occurred.
Effective July 1, 2012, Section 456.0635, Florida Statutes (F.S.), provides that health care boards or the department shall refuse to issue a license, certificate or registration and shall refuse to admit a candidate for examination if the applicant:
Please download, print and complete the paper application and submit along with your fees to the address listed below:
Florida Board of Nursing Home Administrators
P. O. Box 6330
Tallahassee, FL 32314-6330
The following document is required in order to complete your application:
One year of managerial experience:
College-affiliated or University-affiliated internship program:
The following documents are required in order to complete your application:
Within 7-14 days of receipt of your application, the board office will notify you of the status of your application and any remaining required documents that need to be submitted.
Make certified checks or money orders payable to the “Department of Health.”
Examination Fee | $250.00 |
Initial Licensure Fee | $500.00 |
Unlicensed Activity Fee | $5.00 |
TOTAL FEE | $755.00 |
Initial Licensure Fee | $500.00 |
Unlicensed Activity Fee | $5.00 |
TOTAL FEE | $505.00 |
Temporary License:
Application Fee | $325.00 |
Licensure Fee | $150.00 |
TOTAL FEE | $475.00 |
Click on Chapter or Section Number to View
Florida Statutes
Chapter 468, Part II: Nursing Home Administrators
Chapter 456: Health Professions and Occupations: General Provisions
Chapter 400, Part II: Nursing Homes and Related Health Care Facilities
Chapter 415, Parts: Adult Protective Services
Chapter 765, Parts I, II, III and IV: Health Care Advance Directives
Chapter 120: Administrative Procedure Act
Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.)
Rules: Chapter 64B10: (Board of Nursing Home Administrators Rules)
Rules: Chapter 64E11: (Division of Environmental Health – Food Hygiene)
Rules: Chapter 64E16: (Division of Environmental Health – Biomedical Waste)
Rules: Chapter 59A4: (Agency for Health Care Administration – Minimum Standards for Nursing Homes)