NSW Government Fair Trading provides licences for Wall and Floor Tiling and other trade works.
There are 3 types of Wall and Floor Tiling licences in NSW:
To get a Builders Licence, you need to meet one of the two qualification criteria below:
Certificate III in Wall and Floor Tiling CPC31311/ CPC31308/ BCG31303.
For more information, please visit:
When you weigh out the number of benefits against the cost of RPL, you’ll definitely realize that the cost of RPL is reasonably a cheap price to pay. Besides, Educube provides the cheapest price with the highest quality certificates.
With relevant experience, anyone is suitable to get a Recognition of Prior Learning. But to be absolutely sure, contact us via (+612) 7901 2454
If you work with us, we will make sure you get certified fast. Absolutely faster than anyone on the else on the planet. Educube literally provides the most rapid certification within four weeks.