Macedon Ranges council has released the Draft Gisborne Futures Structure Plan for community consultation, with councillors once again sharing their concerns about a town structure plan.
The draft plan was endorsed for community consultation on August 23. This follows council’s endorsement of the draft Romsey Structure Plan on July 26, where councillors acknowledged the document’s flaws.
The Gisborne plan seeks to provide a vision for Gisborne and New Gisborne to grow within a protected settlement boundary, and identifies future land uses for retail, employment, housing, open space and community services
Speaking at the August 23 meeting, Cr Rob Guthrie said he would listen to the community’s feedback on the plan but could not support what has been put out at this stage.
“[My concern] includes the suggestion of a supermarket in New Gisborne [with] the intention that that will reduce traffic on Station road,” Cr Guthrie said.
“Well we have four supermarkets in Gisborne … if we have one in New Gisborne maybe 25 per cent of people will go there … how much effect is that going to have on traffic on Station Street?
“Another concern I have is the talks about a maximum building height of four stories. We also are not told what zoning is proposed for New Gisborne.
“Most of Gisborne is a general residential zone which has a maximum height of three stories and I would suggest that [this] would be far more appropriate.”
Cr Jennifer Anderson said she shares some of the concerns that Cr Guthrie raised but the plan needs to be released to the public to get more feedback.
“Some of the things in the document perhaps do not align with the general principles in the words before you get down to the nitty gritty of what we’re doing,” she said.
“If it is a consultation where we’re going to get more feedback you have to say, look it’s in a format where it’s got enough there for people to understand the direction it’s going in.
“It is really important that we hear from everybody about everything.”
Council said the plan is underpinned by sustainable community development and proposes a new town centre for New Gisborne, to reduce the dependency on the existing Gisborne town centre.
It said the plan has been developed in response to community feedback received following the 202 draft plan. This consultation period will be held from October 2 to November 13.